Keywords Hacks To Generate Income On Google Adsense

One of the biggest complaints about Google’s Keyword Planner the new keyword tool that replaced the old Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Estimator is the lack of broad and phrase match traffic support. Contrary to what’s being suggested when you use the Google Keyword Planner, Google will only return exact match traffic.

Today I’ll be showing a few tricks to help you get your phrase and broad match traffic data back.

Fortunately, exact match is the foundation match type to phrase match and broad match, so it’s possible to reconstruct both. Here are three ways to do it. When looking at preliminary keyword opportunities and trends

Estimating Match Type Traffic by AdWords Impressions Traffic Estimate

Let’s imagine you’re Google. An advertiser comes to you and tells you that they’ll give you $1 million dollars per click on their ad for a given keyword. That advertiser has an unlimited PPC budget. Where would you put the ad if you were in Google’s shoes?

You would always put that ad on the first page of SERPs for their given keyword – and that’s exactly how we’re using the Keyword Planner to extrapolate phrase or broad match traffic. AdWords’ daily estimate of maximum impressions is the closest thing to an organic search on your keyword.

In the example above, “google keyword planner” on phrase match would have an estimate traffic volume of 102.86*365/12 = 3,129 searches a month.

Disclaimer: A search query happens before an ad impression, but it’s possible for a single query to have multiple impressions of the same ad. Your results will also vary depending on which day you run your test, since many AdWords statistics change on a daily basis.

Look at the Impressions & Impression Share Report

For those who share the sentiment that Google’s keyword tool was never accurate to begin with, you’re free to test method #1 with an actual AdWords ad of the keyword you’re doing research on. To make this work, you’ll want to make sure your daily budget is set high enough, ad scheduling is turned off, and location targeting is consistent with your keyword research purpose. After a day or month of data collection, depending on how accurate you want your estimates to be, you’ll be able to extrapolate keyword search volume with the following formula:

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Keyword Scraping

Last (and maybe least), you can reconstruct phrase match with multiple exact match queries. A simple keyword tool like ubbersuggest or ScrapeBox will give you enough keyword variations to dump into the Keyword Planner (or other keyword tool of your choice). Be wary of duplicate keywords as Google will double count!


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